How we consider the brands and products we offer.

When offering our essential oils, we request our suppliers to provide the following information on each essential oil :

  • Common name
  • Scientific (Latin) name
  • Method of production
  • Part of plant used to extract essential oil
  • Country of origin
  • How it was grown (Organic, Wild crafted, Cultivated)

We also consider the following qualities about our suppliers as important:

  • Do they have a good reputation in the field of aromatherapy
  • Can they provide GC/MS reports for each of their essential oils
  • What is their mission
  • Do they have a commitment to sustainability
  • Who are they marketing to, open market or professional therapists? 
  • Do they represent themselves as a trustworthy company 


Essential oil safety depends on a number of factors.  When purchasing and oil you should consider the safety for you  –  consider factors like age, underlying health, and medication and supplement use, as well as the oil’s chemical composition and purity, method and duration of use, and dosage.

Research suggests there are many health benefits in the use of essential oils, but we need to be mindful that the buying and use of aromatherapy isn’t a market that is regulated, but rather a self regulated market using agreed terms regarding the purity or quality of essential oils. It’s important to talk with a healthcare professional before you begin using essential oils. Always do a patch test before trying a new essential oil.